Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Hanukkah

Hanukkah begins tonight at sundown.  It lasts 8 days.  Candles are lit each night to represent the miracle oil that lasted 8 days, even though there was only a one-day supply, as the story goes.  This allowed Jewish troops to purify the temple they were protecting.  

I was at an elementary school the other week.  The principal there said, "Merry Christmas... we're not afraid to say that here." Sigh, as if he's standing up to some kind of religious persecution.  I wanted to say, "Oh, get over yourself!"  Instead, I just said "Merry Christmas." I, too, am not afraid.

I also am not afraid to say Happy Hanukkah.  Happy Ramadan.  Happy Easter.  Happy Passover.  Maybe not all are so happy, but you get the idea.

I don't believe it's religious persecution to be challenged about the appropriateness of all-out Christian displays at public funded institutions when that public is not 100 percent Christian.  Yada, yada. Tired of the fakeness and pettiness of the argument. 

We American are babies when it comes to persecution.  Maybe 300 years ago claiming religious persecution was a righteous declaration. But now? When was the last time an American principal was murdered for his or her Christian beliefs? 

Enough said about that.

By the way... today is a very important day in our family's history.  My son John was born 26 years ago!!

Happy Birthday, son!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

So long 57...

Hello 58.  Almost.  About 2 1/2 hours left of my 57th year of life.  Tomorrow is my birthday. 

I kinda like the idea of being 58.  I understand it's that much closer to 60, but it's still an even number.  For some reason I like even number years better.  Why?  No idea.  Just seems better.

I would like to pledge I will take risks and be brave and have fun during my 58th year on the planet.

Yep. Number 58 is gonna be a good year!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

When is snoring cute?

As I write this, my Baxter the beagle (in pic with border collie Mika) has her snore on.  I think she's funny when she snores.  It got me thinking: why do I think a snoring Baxter is cute and a snoring Paul is not so cute?

Have you ever laughed at a sleeping dog that obviously is in the middle of a dream, paws running, skin surrounding mouth inflating and deflating with every whimper.  Adorable with a capital A.

How about a human lying next to you doing the same?  Less adorable. 

Snoring dogs are cute. That's a scientific fact.  Humans snoring are not cute.  Double standard?  Yep.

Now, I don't want to hurt Paul's feelings.  There are plenty of times he, too, is adorable.  Just not when he's sawing logs. I am sure if I snored, it wouldn't be cute, either.

Awwww.  Baxter just made a deep choking sound.  Disturbingly precious.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Reality television event of the year!!!!!!

Dec. 27th is the date.  I don't know what time, though.  I'll find out.  I know it's a Tuesday night.  I will be there ready to watch, maybe popcorn, maybe a diet coke.  I hope Paul will be there.  Oh, and DVR for sure.  Maybe throw a watch party.  Invite my granddaughter because she has the BEST sense of humor.

Now that Cochran is off Survivor, this event, for me, is all I have to look forward to, reality TV wise.  That, and Top Chef: Texas.

Knock me over with a feather.  In a million years, I could not have imagined there would be such a spectacle on TV. 

What's happening?

Donald Trump moderating a GOP debate between, so far, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.  It promises to be historical, not so much in the class of a Lincoln-Douglas or even Kennedy-Nixon debate.  But more in a class of its own.  You might even say it is promising to be a classless debate. 

Classless, yet entertaining.  The perfect formula for reality TV!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

People of their word

"Life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it's never easy when there's so much on the line."

This apparently comes from a Pokemon movie The Power of One.  It also apparently is Herman Cain's favorite quote.  He used it when he bowed out of the presidential race, giving credit to Pokemon during the speech.  Apparently he has used this quote multiple times before, but this was the first time he gave credit to Pokemon.  Sigh.

Let's agree that the quote is a good one.  But usually, when trying to inspire people, quotes need to have a legit context for it to be legitimately inspiring.  For example:

Do not call for black power or green power. Call for brain power.   Who would have said this?  My Little Pony?  No.  The late Barbara Jordon of Texas.  A civil rights leader, she has so many firsts, among them, the first African American elected to the Texas Senate.  These kinds of messages from Barbara Jordon, a Democrat, carried a punch. When she spoke, we listened and learned something about ourselves. 

If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters.  Former Republican Senator from Wyoming Alan Simpson said this.  Although I did not always agree with his politics, he was someone, is someone, people admire for his integrity, including me.  Mr. Simpson most recently called out Grover Nordquist for his phony tax pledge.

These are people of their word.  Living and speaking their values.  Leaders and role models worth holding up to your children and grandchildren.  We need more people like them.  Not like Herman Cain.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Use your words, people

It seems like we just survived the hottest summer on record and we're already into cold weather.  REALLY??

I hate it when people use REALLY? as a way of judgmental punctuation.  It's becoming a pet peeve.  Just say what you think with the judgment added. 

So, when I say, "It seems like we just survived the hottest summer on record and we're already into cold weather."  Instead of adding the annoying REALLY?? why not simply add, "It doesn't seem fair, does it?"

I know that the use of the annoying REALLY?? is most often in reference to a person's perceived bad behavior, or at least I think that's the purpose.  To insult, really, someone else's behavior.  OK.  Why not in some cases, limit the insults.  Or, again, use your words to express what it is that you object to about a person's behavior.  Hmmmm.  That might be asking too much of a lot of people, especially the kind of person who never really matured beyond high school levels.

Such as parents of high school kids who act more like THEY are the teenager.  Something happens they don't like and they're all over Facebook with the REALLY??  I mean, WHO DOES THAT??

Next post: why I hate the over-used expression, "WHO DOES THAT??"

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Keeping up with the Addie

Paul's treat-ments

Mika has put on some pounds in the last several months.  Noticeably.  So, a neighbor comments on our "fat" dog and Paul corrects him, completely sincere, by saying she's not fat, she's "fluffy." 

But now we have confirmation that she is indeed fat AND fluffy.  The vet recently weighed her and turns out she has gained 11 pounds in 1 year.  That's a lot for a dog. 

So, how did this happen?  Paul.  He gives her a treat for everything.  She goes outside and comes back inside.  Treat.  She takes a nap and wakes up.  Treat.  She catches a tennis ball or Frisbee.  Treat.  Goes for a walk.  Treat.  You get the idea.  That's how Mika has gotten fluffy fat.

I, too, have been "treated" similarly. Paul loads the house with ice cream, cookies, candy, etc.  I stopped standing on a scale years ago, but could definitely believe I, too, have gained 11 pounds on top of too many pounds already.  I get that I am responsible for succumbing to the temptation.  Mika can't really say no.  But I can. Sigh.

Monday, November 28, 2011

You had to be there

I got a call early this morning not to come to work as the facility has been closed because of carbon monoxide levels.  Horrible.  Wish I knew more and could somehow help.  I don't like not working when I'm supposed to be there.  Made me think of snow days.  This is not a snow day because I feel guilty somehow.  Snow days are guilt free days.  That's the law.

At least it's the law where I grew up on the northern plains.  It could snow several feet and be 20 below and we still had to go to school.  And, yes, I walked to school in the snow.  So when it was ever announced that there would be NO SCHOOL, it was like winning the lottery.  First disbelieve, then double check the numbers.  NO SCHOOL.  We win!!! 

The test of a true snow day meant you couldn't open your front door against the weight of a 10-foot snow drift.  A northern snow day meant no ordinary vehicle could move through packed snow, even with chains strapped to the tires. 

One of the all-time record snow falls occurred when I was about 11 years old and living in Aberdeen, S.D.  It happened just after Thanksgiving because my grandmother Eskelson and both grandmother and grandfather Lochridge were stuck in our home for several days.  My mom could probably recall some good stories about this one, but she might also have wiped that memory for her own mental survival.

My mom was all too happy for us kids (6 of us) to "play" outside once the wind stopped howling.  I can't come up with the right words to describe what this snowfall had done to the once-flat landscape.  Reshaped it, for sure. There were hills and valleys and even mountains now, just outside our backdoor.  Let the exploration begin.

We headed out the backdoor. The top layer of the newly fallen snow had hardened, allowing us to walk atop the endless white field before us.  Our steps crunched as we gingerly put one foot in front of the other, understanding a misstep could result in a leg being swallowed by the hungry snowdrift.  Even when our step broke through, we knew just how to shift our balance and retrieve the appendage.  Onward, slowly but surely.

I recall my brother John and me and some other neighborhood kids were plowing slowly across this snowfield.  In the distance, we saw the ballpark's lonely green scoreboard rising above the white field. Raising its head, an invitation to play.  In that instant, it became our destination.

We knew it well - the ballpark that was home to the Aberdeen Pheasants, a baseball farm team of the Baltimore Orioles.  We had spent hours playing in the scoreboard after season.  It was like a clubhouse.  Access was a cinch, easy climb up the fence to a platform that led into a room behind the big scoreboard.  The door was never locked.  It practically belonged to us off season. And what was more off season than the aftermath of one of the state's worst blizzards?

Climbing up to the platform after record snowfall was not easy.  The snow gave under our feet.  We were not dissuaded, could not be dissuaded. We bravely scaled Mt. Scoreboard and claimed the entire ballpark as our own that day.  From our view atop the mountain, we took in our beloved baseball field covered in snow.  It was a gigantic bowl of snow with the green tips of the fence holding it together, preventing the snow from spilling over.  Another invitation seemed to call. 

What I remember, without words, we all began jumping - from our position on the fence or scoreboard platform - into the white snow.  Then we climbed back up and jumped again into what used to be centerfield.  Time was suspended that day.  We existed in a different world.  And we were in command of this new wonderland.  Until our wet feet and hands took over.  We surrendered eventually to the pain and exhaustion and headed back to the real world.  

I often think of that day and occasionally try to share it with others, but it doesn't translate well in conversation. It's one of those experiences you truly had to be there.  I'm so glad I was. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Killer dream

I had a weird dream last night.  I was part of a covert operation, a group of us really well-trained and sneaky spies had infiltrated... I am a little fuzzy on what we were infiltrating but mostly it seemed like a complicated house, then it was a neighborhood, then a house again.  It seems like at times I was spying alone, but on the periphery I always sensed the presense my cohorts.  Thing is, we had to kill someone. That was the mission.  Wait until innocents were out of the picture, then do the deed.  The person we were killing, a man, was a monster human mistreating people, kids even.

Whew.  I don't remember having a dream before about killing someone.  Not in this manner.  No worries about Paul.  He's still the love of my life.  I can't honestly think of anyone I really hate.  Oh wait.


Hmmm.  he's been surging in the polls so I keep seeing his image. You can't escape it really.  I don't typically listen to what they're saying.  Can't really stomach it.  And, I just I read a book over the weekend that had spies and bad guys.  Put two and two together and you get wishful assassination. 

What a relief!  My subconsious homicidal thoughts are totally healthy.  For the record, I don't wish Newt dead.  I just wish he would go away.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Solid marriages

Marriage is like cement.  It takes time to solidify. 

I am listening to an author, Tim Keller, talk about the institution of marriage.  He says people wrongly think marriage is about their own personal fulfillment. Marriage is something that will make them happy.  Now that is funny.

Essentially, he's saying marriage is more about the creation of an institution.  And, to build an institution takes what?  Commitment. Time. Selflessness. You get the idea. 

Problem is, that takes muscle - mental and physical.  A person has to entertain the notion that they are not perfect, nor is their partner.  If a couple can get past that obstacle, they begin the swim upstream against popular culture to keep the institution alive. Good news: All that swimming is what builds the muscles to strengthen the institution.

So why work so hard and sometimes even suffer for the institution?  Because marriage and other lifelong partnerships are pretty cool ways to live life. 

What do you think Paul??????

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Grass is always greener

The grass is always greener on the other side.  I was reminded of this most valuable lesson this week - for the 343rd time.  For some reason, it's a lesson that never seems to stick. 

I returned my smartphone yesterday.  A droid.  It was bright and shiny and I don't miss it one bit.  I am so glad to be using my old, scratched up, 2 mega pixel camera phone without video, without games, without internet, without ... you get the idea.

I don't need all that.  Who cares about touch screen this, touch screen that, movies and tv streaming, music up the wazoo (what is a wazoo?).  I prefer a simpler way of living.  I am not a slave to electronic gadgets. I have much better things to do with my time...

... such as play with my new Kindle Fire which is supposed to arrive today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Infuse gotta go

I got an android (droid) on Sunday.  My contract was up so I was up for a new phone.  Braden, our sales clerk at the kiosk in Costco, talked me into a Samsung Infuse.  He didn't have to do much talking really.  I took the bait pretty easy.  Not to say he was invested in any way regarding the phone I bought.  Anyway, it's too big.  4.5  screen.  More than an inch larger, which doesn't seem like much, but trust me, it is.  That's the first reason I'm taking it back.

Second reason: It's too confusing.  For me.  I just found a call I missed - by accident.  Found the call by accident, missed it because the phone is confusing for me to understand where everything is.  I know there is a learning curve, but it seems to be unnecessarily difficult.  Others online have made similar comments.  So it's not just me.

Third, I can't figure out how to tell the phone not to make that cute sound EVERY time I get an email.  I haven't slept in two days.  Last night at 2 a.m. I finally figured out why I have been waking up.  I heard the damn thing.  It's like an alarm.  3 a.m. the night before.  Last night I got up and put the phone in the bathroom, covered it with a towel.  I finally fell back to sleep.
So. Now the question is: do I go to an I Phone?  Or back to a regular phone, 3 mgpixel on camera, yada, yada.  Wow.  I don't want to have to know that much about my phone.  I'm starting to miss rotary dial.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veteran's Day?

Just listening to a morning show talk about this current group of veterans.  There are 2.4 million of them.  They were described as "ghosts" going to war and returning largely unnoticed by us - the public - unlike wars of the past when returning vets were seen and heard.

It made me think about what I would say to the 2 young vets I work with, one who recently served in Iraq.  Saying Happy Veteran's Day just doesn't sound right.  It's what I said earlier this morning to my dad and husband.  But this new group of vets, I just don't think Happy Veteran's Day will cut it. It seems a little superficial.  Hmmmmm...

Good job? Nope, doesn't sound right.
Thanks for going?  Nope.
Don't forget your free donut at Krispy Kreme today!  Getting closer.

How about, thanks for serving and don't forget your free donut at Krispy Kreme!

That's the one.  It's got a better balance.  Sincere AND superficial.  Not too sappy, but a little sappy.  And, I'm sorry, but donuts always make everything better.

So.  Just to be clear, what we're saying is, please take this free donut as a token of our gratitude for you putting your life and sanity on the line for our freedom. 

The truth is, words and deed are not adequate to express the country's gratitude.  But they are a start.

For the record, to all veterans, including my dad, my husband and co-workers: Thanks for serving and protecting our freedom. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pics of beloved baby Finley - and a couple of Addie, too

I'm back!!

My last blog post was in July.  I thought I had stopped blogging, but it turns out I just got consumed by life.  Here are the bullet points:
  • Left the Women's Center after a 15-year association.  First as a volunteer - for 7 years almost - then on paid staff since 2002.   It was emotionally traumatic.  I hurt my beloved boss.  I lost ongoing collegial relationships.  I ended a part of my life I truly loved.
  • Started a new job at a homeless shelter as transitional housing coordinator.  Love the work.  Admire most of my colleagues.  Learning a new job is exhausting.
  • Record summer heat.  We broke heat records.  OK?????
  • Last, but MOST important, was the arrival August 24th of Finley Lew Scott.  I took on the job of running  interference with big sister Addie.  I can honestly say Addie appears now to be on board with the idea of an expanded family.
Whew.  I missed you, blog.  

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jenny Craig !*@#%

I am in week 2 of Jenny Craig.  Not doing that well.  A lot of cheating.  Too much cheating.  I must do better.

My pledge as of now: NO MORE DRUMSTICKS.  As in ice cream.  They're not Jenny Craig legal. 


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Are you pregnant? Nunya!

Are you pregnant?
Was it planned?
Are you pregnant?
When are you having children?
Are you pregnant?
You are HUGE! I hope you are having that soon.
Are you pregnant?

If you are female and of a certain age, you have been asked these questions.  My own two daughters get them weekly.  Weekly!

We are living in a time of low standards.  It used to be we held our thoughts out of common courtesy.   Not any more.  We have an opinion, we share it.  We have a feeling, we share it.  Who has time to weigh the pros and cons of blurting out whatever we are feeling or thinking in any given moment?  That would be ... polite?

We need a movement, people.  Something to counteract this theft of privacy.  I can see it now: pop-up ads, billboards, bumper stickers, t-shirts, you get the idea.   A movement recognized by one word so powerful it would stop people from probing into areas in which not invited or wanted. 

What word?  Muzzle!  Don't!  No!  Shut!  Hmmm.  This is going to take some thought.

How about nunya, short for none of your business!  Here's how it would work:

"Are you pregnant?"
"Nunya."  Spoken without a hint of judgment or emotion, but with confidence and the satisfaction that you have stood firm. With that one word, you are able to silence the attack on your privacy. 

It would take a lot of practice and patience, but I think it would be worth the effort.  People of all ages and both genders must join the movement.

Another example:

"How long has your daughter (sister/brother/son) been married?"
"Five years."
"They don't have children? When are they having children?"

It could work.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I wanted to post something for June.  This is it.

Oh. And it's really hot. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Misuse of power

Today, I need to vent about my neighborhood.  Just a short one because I have to get going.  And because I am a little uncomfortable about the subject.  Paranoid is probably more accurate.

Many of our neighbors are lovely people.  Others are not and it's something I forget while biking or walking around this beautiful area of Arlington.  I let my guard down, smile at the people, engage in conversation, pet their dogs, and so on.  Then I am reminded not everyone here is civil.

I belong to a neighborhood internet forum.  We go for weeks without a Glen Becker comment.  And then one slips in and the flood gates open.  That's what happened this week.  Henny Penny the sky must be falling because one of our neighbors has not mowed or raked.  Call out the Guard.  No, instead  he called code enforcement. 

I think code enforcement should be used for those instances where a condition endangers life or is harmful to people.  This  doesn't qualify. 

As peeved as I am about the misuse of code enforcement, it doesn't come close to how I feel about this current Texas Legislature and their misuse of power.  Even the Dallas Morning News yesterday effectively called them losers.

Don't get me started.  For real.  I am gonna be late for work.   To be continued...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Where did April go?

Tomorrow is the first day of May!  Where did April go?

At work I have to do monthly reports.  I just completed March.  It seems.  I know my April folder is filled with evidence of activity for this month, new clients, etc.  But still.  April 1st was just last week, right?

I do recall Paul's annual April's Fool thing.  As he does EVERY year, he got me.  He said something about a broken pool filter and that water had soaked a part of the back yard.  First conversation of the morning.  I followed him outside... "April Fool."  Every year.  I fall.  And then I say, "Not next year." You can set a clock to this.  It will happen.

Easter happened last weekend.  That became an event unrelated to the holiday, and won't be blogged about out of respect ... for now.

Maybe it's because April is not really that momentous of a month.  January is big.  February is a shortie month and has Valentine's Day.  March is spring break and the weather starts to remind us why we love living in the South.  Jump to May.  End of school.  Huge.  June is beginning of summer, July has the 4th, August is back to school, September begins the fall season, October builds to Halloween, November and December are probably the biggest months of the year.

So back to April.  I guess maybe I didn't give you proper attention.  Whatever the reason, I believe I blinked and now you're gone.  Next year, like April Fools, I promise to be more aware.

Happy May Day everyone!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mum's the word

I watched Diana marry the prince with a bunch of co-workers from the newspaper some 30 years ago.  It was in the middle of the night.  We had all gathered for the watch party at the home of an editor.  There was lots of food, talking, laughing.  I recall sitting on a hardwood floor looking up at a small TV, probably 28-inch.  It was the thing to do back then, especially if you were in the news business.  The wedding back then, consumed the airwaves.

Now Prince William is getting married and the world's attention is turned to London, just as it was when his mother got married.  But a lot has changed since then.  We now have DVR, 24-hour cable "news", and gigantic flat televisions connected to theater quality sound systems.  No need to interrupt a perfectly sound slumber.  We can watch at our leisure.  Pick the time.  Replay any parts we want as many times as we want.  Freeze the action to run to the kitchen or bathroom or to quiet a barking dog.  No sitting on a hardwood floor either.  More like a soft leather chair or couch in jammies holding a beverage of choice.

What fool will be getting up in the middle of the night this time to watch the royal wedding?


It's an event.  OK.  It's like the new year's countdown.  You stay up to watch that.  It's the law, really.  World Cups games, too, we've gotten up in the middle of the night to watch.  There's something still exciting about watching an event live.  Will I have company?  Probably not, unless three dogs count.  But that's OK.  I can watch uninterruped and cry if I feel like it, drink tea and eat scones.  (I wonder where you buy scones.  Is there a scones store?  Starbucks!)

Maybe it's the mum in me. Prince William and my Andrea were born a month apart.  Diana had a rough go as a princess, but she appears to have raised a decent prince.  I am excited about getting to watch him get married, but I know I will be thinking a lot about Diana and wishing she could have been there.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Parting is such sweet sorrow

I fired my cardiologist.  Sort of.

Yesterday I had an appointment with a new cardiologist, someone who had been recommended.  Dr. Sneha Patel.  I didn't want to fire my old (literally) cardiologist until I met Dr. Patel.  I can tell you for sure now, it's out with the old and in with the new. 

So I told Dr. Patel I felt disloyal to my old doc and gave her some rambling explanation for wanting to switch: wanting to be more proactive, wanting to live, wanting a doc who recalls my case after years and years of being his patient.  She smiled (good response).  I didn't want to be highly critical of my ex doc because that is a turn off.  I mean, he did save my life, for which I am grateful.  And, I really bonded with his PA, or whatever her degree is.  She was always responsive and I felt well cared for... by her.

So now I am 11 years out from my triple bypass and I want to really take part in my health, living longer, etc.  Enter Dr. Patel. She repeated what I had said and asked for clarifications, making no assumptions.  Listening.  I like that in a doc. And she is just smart.  I asked her why she went into cardiology and part of her answer was she wanted a balance of working with patients and working with "the heart."  Which apparently is a pretty cool thing - and important part of the anatomy - to get to work with in the field of medicine. 

Oh, and would you believe I was in and out in 1 hour, 15 minutes?  That is the typical wait time in my previous doc's lobby before getting called back.  Then add another 30 minute or longer wait in the exam room.  

Thanks to my previous doc, especially his staff.   I am grateful for their kindness and care.   I wish I could say goodbye in person, but that would just be awkward. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

A trip to the Austin zoo!!

The Austin Zoo is a sanctuary for animals that had been owned privately or as "pets", such as lions, bear, monkeys, tigers, wolves, etc.  Some brilliant committee also suggested that the sanctuary allow chickens, roosters, peacocks, etc. to roam free, which has the effect of involving you in the experience of the "wild."  And, it gives little and big kids a reason to run after chickens!  (Addie and Michael).  Weather was perfect and lunch (made by Jenny) was wonderful!  This zoo is so user friendly, it even has a cart selling food, including snow cones that cost less than $2.  We can vouch for the orange and lemon lime.  Of course there is a charge to get in: $8 for adults and children older than 2, $6 for seniors (55 and older).  Well worth the price of admission.  Enjoy the pics!

The End

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