Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Hanukkah

Hanukkah begins tonight at sundown.  It lasts 8 days.  Candles are lit each night to represent the miracle oil that lasted 8 days, even though there was only a one-day supply, as the story goes.  This allowed Jewish troops to purify the temple they were protecting.  

I was at an elementary school the other week.  The principal there said, "Merry Christmas... we're not afraid to say that here." Sigh, as if he's standing up to some kind of religious persecution.  I wanted to say, "Oh, get over yourself!"  Instead, I just said "Merry Christmas." I, too, am not afraid.

I also am not afraid to say Happy Hanukkah.  Happy Ramadan.  Happy Easter.  Happy Passover.  Maybe not all are so happy, but you get the idea.

I don't believe it's religious persecution to be challenged about the appropriateness of all-out Christian displays at public funded institutions when that public is not 100 percent Christian.  Yada, yada. Tired of the fakeness and pettiness of the argument. 

We American are babies when it comes to persecution.  Maybe 300 years ago claiming religious persecution was a righteous declaration. But now? When was the last time an American principal was murdered for his or her Christian beliefs? 

Enough said about that.

By the way... today is a very important day in our family's history.  My son John was born 26 years ago!!

Happy Birthday, son!

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