Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bring it

Made it.  Stayed up past midnight.  Heard the gunshots, but there were fewer this year.  I wonder what that means. 

Oh well.  I am pledging once again - never give up - to improve my physical health.  Translation: eat better and not as much.  Exercise regularly.  Get more sleep.  At least 2 out of 3 this year.

Trips for 2012 already are planned: Rhode Island in May and Montana in June or July. 

Work should be a positive challenge as I settle into a job that really is no longer a "new" job.  It takes at least 6 months to get the feel for a job and that will happen in January.  THIS month. 

The kids and grandkids will hit a million milestones this year, I am sure.  Can't predict those.  Just when you think you've got all their lives straight, they take a different turn.

Paulie.  He's gonna have some adventures for sure.  I will join in on some and opt out on others - likely those involving the motorcycle. 

Yep.  The family is in pretty good shape. Collectively, I believe we are ready for what's about to come. Bring it, 2012.

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