Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The U.N. is coming, the U.N. is coming!!!

Lubbock is in danger.  Grave danger, you ask?  Is there any other kind? 

Thank goodness County Judge Tom Head, whose middle name I have learned is Knuckle, is on it.  He has asked the county for a property tax hike to cover money needed to build a proper military defense against foreign and domestic invaders. 

It's countdown to Armageddon, cautions the elected official, IF President Obama is re-elected. 

This guy is not kidding.  He wants to be prepared for the invasion.  The U.N. will be taking over if Pres. Obama gets a second term.  Pres. Obama, says County Judge Tom K. Head, intends to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the U.N. 

That is, the sovereignty of the U.S. minus Lubbock. 

Luckily for the rest of us chumps, this guy has read the small print in the U.N. charter.  Apparently he has found something in the charter that gives our president authority to hand America over to the U.N.   Mr. Head put his brand of math to work, putting two and two together:  Pres. Obama hates America.  Pres. Obama loves the U.N.  If re-elected, goodbye freedom, hello Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Years from now, the history books - ebooks - will describe the heroics of a few good men and women.  Remember Lubbock! will be the inspired message to all the boys and girls.

Or not. 

The New York Times reported the best response to this current nonsense:

     Down the street from the (Lubbock County) courthouse, blue United Nations flags flapped in the breeze outside the office windows of Rod Hobson, a criminal defense lawyer. The flags flew in jest, not in support of Mr. Head. Inside, Mr. Hobson’s 5 ½-pound Yorkshire terrier was on patrol, dressed as a “war dog” in a blue United Nations beret made by his wife.
     It is hard to be pro-Obama in Lubbock, but it is even harder to find official-looking United Nations flags to wave outside an office.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Common ground

Republican convention is all that's on TV news programs this week.  Sigh.  I find it hard to relate to anything.  Today, however, I found common ground with Rep. Gov. Chris Christie who will deliver the keynote speech tonight at the convention. 

Christie was a guest on MSNBC's Morning Joe today.  They were talking about a personal attack on the governor.  The attack came in the form of a New York Post headline.  The story related something about Gov. Christie believing Mitt Romney won't win without his support.  The headline: "FAT CHANCE."

Christie is a good 300 plus pounds.  Comedians, especially the late nighters, take shots at his weight all the time.  The Post is famous for its clever use of irony in its headlines.  This headline, however, was not clever.  It was cruel.

Obesity is emerging as one of our country's leading problems, if not the number one health concern.   

As an obese person, I feel for Christie AND his kids and wife.  I don't like jokes about people's weight.  I can't think of a single fat joke that is funny.   

Obesity is a medical condition (see link below).  For many of us, that extends to our mental ill-being.  It's a struggle to act against urge, especially when that urge is wedged solidly in the brain. 

I'm not a fan of the governor's politics and doubt I will listen to his keynote speech tonight, but I do side with him and his supporters who find personal attacks on his size inappropriate - and cruel.

Monday, August 27, 2012

FB activity

I spent a couple of hours on FB last night, as in fantasy football  (you thought I meant my Facebook account, which is still deactivated: see previous post).    Last night was my fantasy football league's draft.  This will be my fourth year playing as the Coyotes (as in University of South Dakota Coyotes).

The best part of last night's draft was my 10-year-old nephew Eddy!  He has joined my league, but luckily his team LivinADream is not in my division.  I know his team is gonna kill.  I took his advice, too, last night and scored the Eagles as my defense.  "You have to have good defense," the wise young one said. 

You know, I think that advice applies outside of sports, too.

Good one, Eddy.  I hope we both do well!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Retreat from FB!!

I deactivated my Facebook account.  Yep, you heard it right.  I said "buh-bye" for these two reasons:

1.  Political pollution.  I found myself increasingly annoyed by pro-Romney postings.  Problem is I really, really like the people who are doing the postings.   This campaign feels particularly vicious.  Feels racist.  I needed to back up and take some deep breaths - and remove myself from the political poison that is ruining (in my opinion) FB.

2. I don't really have that many friends on FB.  Sad but true.  There are only a couple of friend cliques I will miss following: the Barrett family (I LOVE everything April posts); my son and his friends (thank you Haley for often "liking" my posts); the SD contingent (who are the most guilty about the pro-Romney stuff, which I can safely say on my blog because they don't read it); and finally a scattering of family members who post, mostly from Washington and Montana. 

I would say this retreat is a real sacrifice, but it isn't.  I won't have withdrawls and no one likely will even know I am gone.  But I will know.  And that makes me feel .... a bit liberated.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Funny Girl


Today is my granddaughter's first birthday.  Finley is 1.  No more counting by months, as in my baby John is 320 months old.  Says more about me than about my child or grandchild.

Big birthday party tomorrow.  Her Uncle Michael and Aunt Jenny are driving up all the way from Austin to celebrate Finley's big milestone.

On her birthday in June, I blogged about my daughter Jenny.  Then I stopped blogging for two months, missing Andrea's birthday in July.  ("I'm waiting for you to blog about my birthday," Andrea reminds me... often).   I hope this makes up a little for slighting my lovely Andrea, the child who has produced my only grandchildren.  I've posted a few of my favorite pics of Finley. 

Move over John, there's a new comedian in town!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thank you, Todd Akin

It's been two months since I last posted something.  Not that there hasn't been stuff to write about.  Trips to Montana and Spain.  Political season locally and nationally.  For some reason I just couldn't get into it.  Until.... Todd Akin. 

Akins is the Missoui GOP candidate running for Senate.  He misspoke in a local interview about pregnancy and rape and the whole nation seems to have heard.  Apparently, there are some cruel reports masquerading as science claiming that when women are legitimately or forcibly or really, really raped, they can't get pregnant. 

Mr. Akin was only repeating what he and many, many others have said in the past.  Mississippi voters heard this demeaning message just before they rejected the personhood amendment to their state constitution.

In Texas, we have seen this coming on.  This war on women.  Just yesterday 3 federal judges from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Gov. Perry's favor, allowing the state to cut federal dollars supporting Planned Parenthood's non-abortion clinics in Texas.  This translates into cutting access for thousands of women to medical services including cancer screenings, well-woman exams and birth control.

So, thank you Todd Akin for getting me back to my blog.  I have a feeling this won't be the last we hear from you and your nutty professors. 

Below is a link to a most brilliant and funny blog regarding this issue.