Sunday, August 26, 2012

Retreat from FB!!

I deactivated my Facebook account.  Yep, you heard it right.  I said "buh-bye" for these two reasons:

1.  Political pollution.  I found myself increasingly annoyed by pro-Romney postings.  Problem is I really, really like the people who are doing the postings.   This campaign feels particularly vicious.  Feels racist.  I needed to back up and take some deep breaths - and remove myself from the political poison that is ruining (in my opinion) FB.

2. I don't really have that many friends on FB.  Sad but true.  There are only a couple of friend cliques I will miss following: the Barrett family (I LOVE everything April posts); my son and his friends (thank you Haley for often "liking" my posts); the SD contingent (who are the most guilty about the pro-Romney stuff, which I can safely say on my blog because they don't read it); and finally a scattering of family members who post, mostly from Washington and Montana. 

I would say this retreat is a real sacrifice, but it isn't.  I won't have withdrawls and no one likely will even know I am gone.  But I will know.  And that makes me feel .... a bit liberated.

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