Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Common ground

Republican convention is all that's on TV news programs this week.  Sigh.  I find it hard to relate to anything.  Today, however, I found common ground with Rep. Gov. Chris Christie who will deliver the keynote speech tonight at the convention. 

Christie was a guest on MSNBC's Morning Joe today.  They were talking about a personal attack on the governor.  The attack came in the form of a New York Post headline.  The story related something about Gov. Christie believing Mitt Romney won't win without his support.  The headline: "FAT CHANCE."

Christie is a good 300 plus pounds.  Comedians, especially the late nighters, take shots at his weight all the time.  The Post is famous for its clever use of irony in its headlines.  This headline, however, was not clever.  It was cruel.

Obesity is emerging as one of our country's leading problems, if not the number one health concern.   

As an obese person, I feel for Christie AND his kids and wife.  I don't like jokes about people's weight.  I can't think of a single fat joke that is funny.   

Obesity is a medical condition (see link below).  For many of us, that extends to our mental ill-being.  It's a struggle to act against urge, especially when that urge is wedged solidly in the brain. 

I'm not a fan of the governor's politics and doubt I will listen to his keynote speech tonight, but I do side with him and his supporters who find personal attacks on his size inappropriate - and cruel.


1 comment:

John Stickney said...

My mom always told us not to make fun of things that people can't control.