Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The U.N. is coming, the U.N. is coming!!!

Lubbock is in danger.  Grave danger, you ask?  Is there any other kind? 

Thank goodness County Judge Tom Head, whose middle name I have learned is Knuckle, is on it.  He has asked the county for a property tax hike to cover money needed to build a proper military defense against foreign and domestic invaders. 

It's countdown to Armageddon, cautions the elected official, IF President Obama is re-elected. 

This guy is not kidding.  He wants to be prepared for the invasion.  The U.N. will be taking over if Pres. Obama gets a second term.  Pres. Obama, says County Judge Tom K. Head, intends to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the U.N. 

That is, the sovereignty of the U.S. minus Lubbock. 

Luckily for the rest of us chumps, this guy has read the small print in the U.N. charter.  Apparently he has found something in the charter that gives our president authority to hand America over to the U.N.   Mr. Head put his brand of math to work, putting two and two together:  Pres. Obama hates America.  Pres. Obama loves the U.N.  If re-elected, goodbye freedom, hello Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Years from now, the history books - ebooks - will describe the heroics of a few good men and women.  Remember Lubbock! will be the inspired message to all the boys and girls.

Or not. 

The New York Times reported the best response to this current nonsense:

     Down the street from the (Lubbock County) courthouse, blue United Nations flags flapped in the breeze outside the office windows of Rod Hobson, a criminal defense lawyer. The flags flew in jest, not in support of Mr. Head. Inside, Mr. Hobson’s 5 ½-pound Yorkshire terrier was on patrol, dressed as a “war dog” in a blue United Nations beret made by his wife.
     It is hard to be pro-Obama in Lubbock, but it is even harder to find official-looking United Nations flags to wave outside an office.


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