Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thanks, Alec Baldwin

I am conflicted about Alec Baldwin. So talented.  He's great at comedy and drama. His personal life has been messy, making him appear human, one of us.  Gotta like that. 

The conflict: He's got a new girlfriend young enough to be his daughter.  Ick. 

Yesterday Paul and I were watching Alec do an interview on TV.  He said he lost 30 pounds in 4 months just by giving up sugar.  More like he lost the weight trying to keep up with a health conscious yoga teacher.  I make some crack and my darling husband points out that Alec said he's also doing pilates.  Paul says this in a tone so obvious he is defending the shrinking actor.

Thanks, Baldwin. 

Last night Paul let me eat a couple of pieces from his chocolate stash.  He hides it from me but always tells me where it is when I ask.  Makes no sense but it works for us.

So today I am determined to give up sugar, just like Alec. I informed Paul that he had to hide his stash - again.  But unlike Alec, I am not doing this to run around naked with a 20-something.  I am doing it to run around naked with a 59-year-old! 

Paul, just give me at least 5 months.  Maybe 7.

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