Saturday, December 10, 2011

When is snoring cute?

As I write this, my Baxter the beagle (in pic with border collie Mika) has her snore on.  I think she's funny when she snores.  It got me thinking: why do I think a snoring Baxter is cute and a snoring Paul is not so cute?

Have you ever laughed at a sleeping dog that obviously is in the middle of a dream, paws running, skin surrounding mouth inflating and deflating with every whimper.  Adorable with a capital A.

How about a human lying next to you doing the same?  Less adorable. 

Snoring dogs are cute. That's a scientific fact.  Humans snoring are not cute.  Double standard?  Yep.

Now, I don't want to hurt Paul's feelings.  There are plenty of times he, too, is adorable.  Just not when he's sawing logs. I am sure if I snored, it wouldn't be cute, either.

Awwww.  Baxter just made a deep choking sound.  Disturbingly precious.

1 comment:

paul said...

i have never heard myself snore, therefore I don't.