Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Killer dream

I had a weird dream last night.  I was part of a covert operation, a group of us really well-trained and sneaky spies had infiltrated... I am a little fuzzy on what we were infiltrating but mostly it seemed like a complicated house, then it was a neighborhood, then a house again.  It seems like at times I was spying alone, but on the periphery I always sensed the presense my cohorts.  Thing is, we had to kill someone. That was the mission.  Wait until innocents were out of the picture, then do the deed.  The person we were killing, a man, was a monster human mistreating people, kids even.

Whew.  I don't remember having a dream before about killing someone.  Not in this manner.  No worries about Paul.  He's still the love of my life.  I can't honestly think of anyone I really hate.  Oh wait.


Hmmm.  he's been surging in the polls so I keep seeing his image. You can't escape it really.  I don't typically listen to what they're saying.  Can't really stomach it.  And, I just I read a book over the weekend that had spies and bad guys.  Put two and two together and you get wishful assassination. 

What a relief!  My subconsious homicidal thoughts are totally healthy.  For the record, I don't wish Newt dead.  I just wish he would go away.

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