Monday, April 18, 2011

A trip to the Austin zoo!!

The Austin Zoo is a sanctuary for animals that had been owned privately or as "pets", such as lions, bear, monkeys, tigers, wolves, etc.  Some brilliant committee also suggested that the sanctuary allow chickens, roosters, peacocks, etc. to roam free, which has the effect of involving you in the experience of the "wild."  And, it gives little and big kids a reason to run after chickens!  (Addie and Michael).  Weather was perfect and lunch (made by Jenny) was wonderful!  This zoo is so user friendly, it even has a cart selling food, including snow cones that cost less than $2.  We can vouch for the orange and lemon lime.  Of course there is a charge to get in: $8 for adults and children older than 2, $6 for seniors (55 and older).  Well worth the price of admission.  Enjoy the pics!

The End

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1 comment:

JohnStick said...

That looks like a fun zoo!! I like the picture of Andrea with her huge water bottle. That takes me back to two years ago when she drank a gallon of water every two minutes when we were in Bahston.