Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sexual harassment in 2011

I am a social worker in Texas.  My clients are mostly young women and their children.  Recently, standing outside with a client, waiting for her ride, I was mortified at behaviors of males in cars.  Drive by gawkers and worse. She did not react to the sexual harassment, as if immune.  It started, for me, a conversation with my own two adult daughters and younger colleagues.  Similar stories.  Where have I been?  Maybe this is just Texas. (fingers crossed) 

Please don't tell me we are going to have to take to the streets again.  But if that's what it takes, I'm in.  I have one granddaughter and another granddaughter on the way.  God help the disrespectful, moronic male who harasses either one of them in my presence. 

This really pisses me off.

1 comment:

JohnStick said...

I'm assuming you took pictures on your Austin trip.