Monday, April 11, 2011

Donald Chump!

I am sure that if Donald Trump realized he would lose me as a loyal viewer of the current installment of Celebrity Apprentice, he would have thought twice about stirring the Birther pot.  He didn't, however, ask for my input before he started down this lowly, dead end road.   

I think I'll blame Gary Busey.  He's the weekly target of disdain on the men's side. For good reason, too.   I think Busey's crazy has rubbed off on The Donald.  And now I will never get to see Trump fire Gary Busey.  Thanks a lot Busey.  You should have kept your crazy to yourself.   Kindergarten rules, dude.

The show just doesn't have the same fun factor.  Sure, Trump has done other nutty things, but this Birther stuff is too way out there, even for Donald.  Sigh.

He leaves me no choice. I will boycott his show.  Donald Trump, you're fired!

(Of course I'm not against reading about who gets fired. I really hope Gary Busey leaves soon.  He adds nothing to him team.  Just ratings.  Marly Matlin is hands down the best celebrity EVER).


1 comment:

JohnStick said...

I feel bad. I was just saying the other day how no one watches that show anymore. I just can't stand Donald. He's a little too arrogant for my liking.