Sunday, March 7, 2010

What is tapioca?

What is tapioca? That's the question we had at lunch the other day at the Thai restaurant (see previous post). Our lunch came with a sweet soupy tapioca dessert. That led to the question, what is this tapioca? None of us knew for certain.

Here's the definition:
a food substance prepared from cassava (a root) in granular, flake, pellet or flour form. Often used as a thickening agent.

Ok. I guess it is in pellet form that I know tapioca best. Pudding and drinks. In pudding it's palatable for me, in drinks (boba or bubble tea) it's not. Because I respect others who do like the boba form, I will not describe what it looks and feels like to me.

That's it. Tapioca. It's kind of a cool word.

1 comment:

JohnStick said...

I like Tapioca pudding. I don't think Tapioca tastes like anything, though.