Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The R word

I got news this week that a former newspaper colleague is retiring. What?? I used to play racquetball with his wife. Seems like a few years ago, not 25 years. I haven't kept in touch and was briefly taken back by the news. I was going to write today about how retirement is now the R word, but then I looked up my old friend on Facebook. His picture shows a healthy, good looking, gray haired, active person. Smiling. He's in full scuba gear and no doubt his wife is somewhere nearby, also in full gear. Boomers. They/we make retirement look good.

Congratulations Lloyd Cunningham!! Paul and I are right behind you.. 8 years and counting.

BTW: did you know there is a website called rword? It doen't refer to retirement, or Republican. You can look it up if you want. That makes me think: do all the letters of the alphabet have their own website? I didn't check. Not enough time, gotta get ready for work.

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