Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hi it is me, the sexiest man alive!

I think I actually enjoy Thanksgiving more than Christmas. Yes, after thinking about it, I am sure Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. There is too much pressure on Christmas, and the bulk of the holiday is over after opening gifts. And for Christmas, there is so much shopping, comparing, decisions...It takes the fun out of it.

Thanksgiving on the other hand, does not have any of those concerns. It is a very low stress holiday. And it lasts all day. There is the parade in the morning, cooking, socializing, football, more cooking, socializing, eating, games, more football. Then there is the food. Lots of food of all types. There is no stress with the food either. We all know there is going to be turkey, stuffing, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole...It is so predictable, it makes it stress free. I love Thanksgiving. What a great time to laugh with your family and friends, and reflect on what you are thankful for.

I am thankful that I get to see another Thanksgiving. I am grateful for such a wonderful person, Mary, to share our lives. I might possisbly be the sexiest man alive, however, I am positive that I am the luckiest man alive.

I am thankful for my kids, their spouses, and my new granddaughter. And I thought I was too young to be Gom-Gom.

I am grateful for my puppies, all three. They are great dogs, and give pure love, especially when you need it most.

There are so many things I am thankful for that I could go on and on...But won't, much to your relief. Lets just say, this will be the best Thanksgiving ever!



Unknown said...

I am thankful too for our life together. Your post is so sweet. Love you.

Jenny Cole said...

Great post! Thanksgiving is my favorite, too!!
Can't wait to see you!