Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today is Thursday so it must be Survivor night.  Tonight, Paul and I will gather with Andrea, Jack and Addie to watch.  Paul's Pizzaria is delivering.  Diet Root Beer for me.  Can't wait.

It has become a family tradition, no that's too strong of a word, more like a family custom to gather and watch. The Ed Sullivan Show for our family.  It started really when Grandma Lew was living here in Arlington.  All would gather at her apartment and watch.  At the time, Lew's demenia was beginning to take it's toll.  She could never fully grasp the point of the show.  In fact, during one episode where the cast member's relatives/loved ones were brought in, she commented, "Why don't they get off the island with their relative?"  It didn't matter that Lew saw Survivor as a contemporary version of Gilligan's Island.  It was the act of gathering every Thursday night at Lew's. 

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