Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Damn you, Paul

Paul has begun his annual pre-feasting feasting.  Only he's not the one eating, as usual.  What it is, is he picks up recipes or frozen desserts or whatever a few weeks before the holidays and tries them out on the rest of the family.  No one here in the house anymore but me and Andrea is working at losing Addie weight.  Oops.  So far, he has tried a pumpkin pie and an apple pie.  And by he I mean me.  Damn you, Paul.

As I write this I can smell something sweet filling the house.  It's only 8 a.m.  I think it might be a banana bread or cake.  I haven't had breakfast yet ...  gotta go.



Anonymous said...

tee hee. I burned the banana bread, but it is still good

Anonymous said...

tomorrow banana cake...