Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 6

Still vegan-ish. Paul put honey on some fruit which technically is not vegan - honey, that is. John says to get nutritional yeast flakes. That's my vegan job today. I googled it and am looking forward to sprinkling it on all kinds of food. Can't believe I had never heard of this unbelievable source of protein before. I know, I am beginning to sound like I drank the Koolaid.

o well.

1 comment:

JohnStick said...

There is an episode of Angel that you would totally relate to. (SPOILER ALERT)Everyone is obsessed with this demon. They idolize and worship her and she gets her power by draining her lemmings. Anyway, once her blood gets on you, or something weird like that, you see her for what she really is (an ugly, creepy demon made out of worms). Well, when you become aware of what you are putting in your body, you get that awakening. You realize that the old way is not worth the obsession.
I am almost positive (well, actually less than positive) that I left some nutritional yeast flakes in the fridge.