Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rainy days and Thursdays...

I spent the day in bed yesterday, sickern' a dog. Sinus, cold, whatever. I had that tickle in my throat that wouldn't go away so I couldn't stop coughing. I went through an entire package of Ricola, mixed berry flavor. RIIII-COOOOO-LAAAAA.

Today is another day. I feel better. Just took some Alka Selzer for colds. No flavor. Don't like that in flavors. Ick. I'm not exactly 100 percent, but if I don't go to work today I don't get paid for Labor Day, which we have off. It's not that we're destitute, but I do have my own bills to pay.

My plan: Take Alka Selzer with me, buy some more Ricola, maybe a new flavor, pack tissues and paste a smile on my face. It's rainy outside, which helps. I don't know why, just seems to set a more appropriate backdrop.

I have to thank Paulie for his wonderful care yesterday. He went to the store for me and got soup, crackers and Sprite. And tissues. A variety of tissues, some with lotion, some without. He brought me tea. You are the greatest.

Now time to get ready for work.

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