Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Newt's true colors

I think we may need to come up with a new word for politics. Too bad cannibalism already is taken.

Disgusting things are being said about our president. I know the same can be said about President Bush, but this is different. The vile pandering is coming from leaders in the Republican Party not just from the blogisphere fringe. Newt Gingrich, I believe, hit a new all-time low this week.

Gingrich is stirring the pot in the most ugly way. To say he's using racism doesn't adequately describe his message. It's even more cynical than that. He's aiming his vile propaganda at the most gullible in a calculating manner. He knows these are loyalists of his who will take up his words and repeat them as truth. Gingrich targets the most vulnerable to be used to do his dirty work, to spread the Newt virus that threatens to destroy our democracy.

I could make parallels here with other vile leaders (Amadenijad) but that would be too easy.

Here's what Gingrich said. I heard the audio of this last night and ripped the exact quote from the Sacramento Bee newspaper.

"What if (Obama) is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together (his actions). This is a person who is fundamentally out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president."

Why does this hit home? This summer a poll of Texas Republicans showed Gingrich the favorite to run for president.

Gingrich doesn't deserve our consideration. He's shown his true colors and they aren't red, white and blue.

1 comment:

andi said...

we watched the President speak yesterday... the whole school... I thought he hit home with a bunch of our kids! It makes me sad how put out the teachers were to take 15 min. out of their day to listen to the PRESIDENT.