Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's official: I'm a socialist

I had a letter to the editor in last week's newspaper supporting healthcare reform. Apparently, I am a socialist. I also must be something of an idiot. Oh, and gullible too.

The letter prompted these revelations from readers. It's been a million years since I submitted a letter, what's different now is how people jump on them immediately ONLINE. Of course, they must follow some of the paper's rules, but I'm not so sure anyone is really monitoring this free-for-all. And, more than one misspelled my name. Geez.

We had gotten notice from BlueCross through Paul's work that we can add John back onto our insurance coverage. We'd been waiting for this to happen and were grateful to finally get 'er done. That was the gist of the letter, that we had benefited from the new healthcare law, but it wasn't a free gift to our family as we pay a hefty monthly premium as well as co-payments and deductibles. I also said something about appreciating having insurance and understanding many do not or can't afford health coverage. I ended the letter more or less thanking President Obama and the Democrats.

In this part of the country, saying you support ANYTHING connected to the administration is not well received. Obama supporters here are considered to be crazy low-lifes without morals or brains.

Do I exaggerate? I don't know. I do understand why my son can breathe a little easier on the East Coast. At least he is able to express his opinions and be respected. There just seems to be a drought of liberal opinion in these parts. A drought of respect too.


JohnStick said...

It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world. The East Coast is where it's at. Although people here are fiscally conservative, most people are socially liberal. It's nice. But it is nice to be around people with different beliefs than you have, too. Not when they are mean and can't spell your name, though. Come visit! You'll like it up here! You can see your niece, too.

JohnStick said...

When I read your thing in the newspaper, I saw the comments. Idiots. How much free time do some people have?

andy said...

i wanted to write something back... john said not too. grrrr people are crazy!!! I still love you and I am proud of you every day!!