My beloved Tex, who I have renamed Princess, has many odd behaviors. Always has. She can be overly clingy in one moment and distant the next. When company comes, she disappears. In fact, she is often out of sight, doing her own thing.
When Addison first came to the house, Princess could have cared less while Baxter and Mika were all over her... To this day, when Addison is over, Princess is nowhere to be seen.
Then last night Princess practically hisses at Baxter and even took a swipe at her, all because Baxter was too close to her rawhide chew.
So, this morning I am sitting on the couch and Mika is competing with Princess for my attention. There is no contest here. Princess will win. She was doing the usual: climbing all over me, getting into my face. She is using her front paws to hold me down. When her face is in my face, it hits me. Princess is a cat in a dog's body! That's gotta be it. It makes sense now. The kneading-like behavior, her bossiness, her aloofness. She acts superior to the other dogs! Princess is a hermaphrocat!! Or is she a transcaline??
I don't care. Princess is my sweet little... whatever she is. No matter. She really is the sweetest animal in our house, other than the shedding, which is the worst of all the animals in our house. Oh, snap. That could be a metaphor for shedding her outer doggness in favor of her true, but hidden identity.
I hope you will join us in better understanding and accepting Princess for who she is. Gotta go now - off to get some catnip!
P.S. The photo above, by the way, we call Tex in drag...
Wow! That's about all I can say, wow!
that's beautiful. are all your dogs girls?
All girls.
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