Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Going to hell in a hula hoop

Just heard that expression going to hell in a hula hoop. I have no idea why hula hoop, but I like it and think it is appropriate for what's going on. I'm talking about Sarah Palin (again) and her new job with Fox. God help us. Maybe her overexposure will reach the point of saturation and people will finally say no more, enough is enough.

Truth is, I am tired of all of all the talking heads on TV. It's like the Steve Carell moment in Anchorman where he is shouting "loud noises." I wish we could have a moratorium on commentating. Of course that wouldn't set well with the First Amendment. I have initiated my own moratorium and no longer tune into MSNBC. I sometimes watch CNN, listen to BBC on my satellite radio occasionally. I watch local news, PBS and read local newspapers, often online. I never go to the blogisphere, except for my own blog of course.

What I resent most is how most talking heads speak with absolution and authority. As if they drank the truth potion and are all knowing. This most recent spin on terrorist attacks. By just saying there were no attacks during Bush's watch, by just putting it out there, the message becomes truth for so many. It's propaganda at its best - or should that be worst? The loving masses then repeat the propaganda with the same absolution and authority. Yuck.

My hope is that we need to experience this McCarthyism to get to the other side. Run through the muck before we can be cleansed. Who will wash off the dirt? Really smart young people. There are some great kids out there. Those who are doing humanitarian work. Those who are taking the road less traveled. Those who are listening to their own inner voices and tuning out the blather coming from unethical and immoral people seeking fame, fortune and power.

I have hope in the next generation. I have met many of these young people who know the importance of caring about people other than themselves. They will have to be the ones to step up and save us from going to hell in a hoola hoop. I hope. It would be nice to tune into a news talk show without a mention of Sarah Palin.



Jenny Cole said...

Ah, yes, the road less traveled. Did I mention ma that I had another puker in class (had to crack a window) and my klepto has moved on from shoes to hats. We are all doomed.

Anonymous said...

can I drive my car down that road?
can Mika come with?