Friday, May 25, 2012

I will wait for as long as it takes...

As a nation we have come to accept that any kind of work done in our homes will require a good amount of waiting.  Lots of looking out the window for work trucks and lots of listening for vehicle doors slamming just outside the house. 

Have you noticed that nobody sets appointments for an actual time?  Work is scheduled within windows of opportunity.  Between the time the sun comes up and when it goes down.  Still, we have no choice.  If we want cable TV, we wait.  If we want utilities or phone service, we wait.  If we want a new bathtub, a little tiny and not that terribly awesome stinking bathtub.... I wait.

I am in day two of waiting.   Yesterday I waited for the demolition crew to arrive, which they did.  Then it was another couple hour wait for the plumber.  He came too!  Yay!  My tub should be in and working, right?  Naw.  It sits in my garage because today I wait for a city inspector to look at what the plumber did. 

Did I mention this is ONLY a bathtub?  OK.  The walls around the tub were taken down too.  But I feel as though I could now complete the job.  It could/should have been done in a couple of hours once the plumber left.  Everything is pre-fab.  But alas, there's the inspector's role.  For a crummy little bathtub.   

So I wait for the inspector today, then IF he or she is here before noon, I can call the remodel crew who MAY come this afternoon and complete the job OR they may come tomorrow.  What time tomorrow?  Some time after the sun rises and before it sets.  If I am lucky.  Today is the Friday before a long weekend.  Not a good day for work orders.

Deep breaths.

Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend. 

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