Monday, February 13, 2012

You want a what???

Funny thing happened while shopping for light bulbs at Lowes. 

For real, the importance of light bulb shopping is fully underestimated.  I was watching something on TV, one of those home channel do it yourself improvement shows.  I always sit up when I hear "cheap" or "costs almost nothing." 

In this paticular show, I perked up for advice about switching your light bulbs to 3-way bulbs where possible.  I don't really remember all the reasons why, but I made a mental note to put on my to-do list.

So Paul and I are at Lowes and I steer him toward the light bulb section.  Are you aware of the number of choices in light bulbs?  There's choices in size, brightness, brand, etc.  It's not that simple.  Anyhoo.  I try to explain to my darling that enhanced lighting in our home will transform our lives. 

He didn't get it.  He's still reaching for the cheapest bulb and I declare (for all within earshot to hear):

"No!  I want a 3-way!"

Yep.  I said that.  Paul is pretty smart so the double meaning of that declaration did not escape him.  It did escape me until I ask what he's smiling about.  It was funny and also a little humiliating.

My consolation is the lighting in my home really has improved - using 3-ways.

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