Monday, February 27, 2012

Oscar threshold: Moving on

I've just reached my Oscar threshold.  Started watching at 6 p.m. yesterday, just turned off the TV.  Well, slept some in between.  But now I am done.  No more reading about it or watching recaps or interviews.  My interest cup runneth over.

Here are my best and worst for this year's Academy Awards:

Best: Meryl Streep winning.  I haven't seen the movie, but anytime Meryl Streep wins something, it's a good show.

Worst: Pre-recorded bit with actors talking about the movies, their feelings about movies, how the movies teach stuff and how important the movies are to life, yada, yada.  It wasn't horrible, but some of the declarations were a little over the top.  Movies are entertainment.  Maybe if you throw in documentaries, which no one sees, then you can talk about how movies are life changing.

Best:  Billy Crystal.  He was a joy all evening.  I love you Billy!

Worst:  Billy Crystal.  He didn't seem to connect to the younger set. Ironic, because last year they hired Ann Hathaway and James Franco to do just that.  It felt the younger actors got short-changed.  Funny bit with Justin Bieber though.

Best: The acceptance speech for the documentary about restoring the burned faces of Pakistani women.  Also the Iranian who made a wonderful acceptance speech. They were real moments. 

Worst: Angelina Jolie's stance when she took the stage.  What was that?  We get it.  You are freakishly beautiful.

Best:  Cirque du soleil.  That was incredible.  Not sure the connection to the Oscars, but wow.  

Worst: George Clooney didn't win. Clooney brings interesting movies to the big screen and this past year he did two of my favorites: Descendants and Ides of March.  I am not a crazy Clooney fan.  I just think last year he produced good stuff and shoulda won. 

Now, the 84th Academy Awards is officially over in my house.  Let's move on. 

Speaking of which, Paul and I saw Wanderlust this weekend and it was silly and funny.  We are quoting dumb lines.   It's one of those movies that get better after you see it.  Not as funny as Bridesmaids or Hangover.  Way funnier than Hangover II.  Great cast and silly silliness.   

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