Sunday, November 21, 2010


Thanksgiving for our family is that time of year when we get to (have to) say out loud what we are grateful for.  My list is long.

First I am grateful to be sharing my life with a man who still loves me after 32 years - 33 if you count the year we lived together before marriage.  His health has held this year, he's still makes me laugh (with, not at), and he doesn't seem to notice or care that I am not the shiny new model of yesteryear, even last year.  He continues to surprise me too.  Did you know white men can make kickin' (my new emphasis word) sweet potato pie?  My husband can and did yesterday.  Two of them.  AFTER he installed our new dishwasher.  Top that!

My children continue to live interesting lives.  I see them evolving into their own person, each quite different from the other, but thankfully still connected.  It appears from where I sit, they love and care for each other.  They have brought others into the fold who only make this family stronger.

My granddaughter.  Don't get me started.  For real.  She is sunshine.

My parents are safe and continue to be role models for living a decent and honorable AND active life.  There have been struggles this year for some members of my family: cancer, unemployment, other health matters.  There also were shared victories: motherhood, fatherhood, moves, championships, promotions.  My family doesn't typically get many points for communication, but this year seemed different.  It just seemed more was shared.  The younger generation likely gets credit for this... and Facebook.

My job and colleagues continue to make (force) me to be a better person and professional.

I don't have that many friends, but the ones I do have are stuck with me and I am so grateful for them.

That should about cover my gratitude statement for 2010.  Of course there are some things I'd like to change about my life... I am saving that post for New Year's. 

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