Saturday, June 12, 2010

Don't kick them while they're up

Ok, so we are watching the sportscast tonight on the local NBC station. First it's all about the Rangers, then the Cowboys. About 20 seconds on the World Cup at the tail end, if that long. So the sports guy, Mr. Barrie, walks over to the anchor desk saying something like, "See, that's what I can't stand ... no one wins. Couldn't they have a winner..." Something like that. The anchor smiles, but doesn't encourage this kind of ignorant comment. He mentions something about it being all about "point system." Can I let this go? No I cannot. So I fired off an email to the station that will never get to anybody, I am sure. But I am also sure after sending it, I felt better. Don't worry, I was diplomatic.

I told him shame for his unintelligent comments and dismissing the efforts of the US team, who left nothing on the field by the way. Altadore was ON FIRE. I explained to Mr. Sportscaster, for his sake, the tie could be compared to the TCU Frogs tying the Cowboys.. and wouldn't that be something? I may have said I understood that people don't like soccer and I get that. Just don't pretend you're better than the game.. right? Oh, yeah, I also threw in my mother's tried and true: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Kabam!!



JohnStick said...

Kabam!! I like that.

andi said...

Me too!!!!!!!1