Friday, May 7, 2010


So today is Friday, usually for me, the best day of the week. I like Saturdays too. But Fridays are number one. Get to stay up late, goof around, get stuff done. You get the idea. Paul is home today too. He was a superstar at work this week and has earned the time off.

Wonderful, right? We have THREE days to come up with all kinds of fun and trouble. We love to hike. Go to a museum. Eat out. Walk dogs.

Problem: Paul's hip is especially bad today and my ARMPIT cyst has abscessed. But at least we still have each other. Right?

Here's a sample of one of our conversations this morning:

Paul: Want to go with me to Whole Foods, Lumpy?

Me: As soon as the painkiller kicks in, Limpy.


andi said...

you are so funny!

andi said...

I saw the lump poor mom!
I saw the limp poor dad!