Friday, July 31, 2015

old dogs barking

Is there anything more precious than an old dog?  Maybe an old dog barking.

Mika the border collie, almost 12, and Baxter the beagle, 13, have slowed down in many ways.  They are not as fast as they used to be.  They sleep even more now.  Mika's eye sight is so bad she's only catching the tennis ball about 50 percent of the time.  Bax is limping from arthritis of the neck. 

One activity that most certainly has not declined: barking.  These dogs have not let old age hamper in any way their long held job of protecting the house.  Mail/UPS/FedEx people dropping off stuff.  Barking.  Doorbell or knocks.  Barking.  Dogs walking by the house.  Barking.  Car doors slamming shut nearby.  Barking.

And now it appears they have upped their protection.  Relying on experience in the absence of good eyesight and fast reflexes, they are barking at everything.  I close my closet door.  Barking.  The other border collie Sami, age 3, moves unexpectedly and makes a noise.  Barking.  Paul drops something.  Barking. 

Old dogs barking just in case.  Adorable.