Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nothing to smell here

I was thinking about my late mother-in-law yesterday.  I often think of Lew.  She was a force.  Beloved by my husband and children.  And me.  Our relationship was at times complicated, as such relationships can be.

We were so lucky to have her in Arlington the last years of her life.  It was a privilege to take care of her.  Unhappily, this strong-willed and independent woman suffered her last days.  Alzheimer's did its number on her. 

She had the habit of forgetting she was boiling eggs and the rest of us had to suffer the consequence.  Fowl odor post explosion.  As soon as we stepped off the elevator in her building, the smell hit you.  We knew just what it was and where it came from.  Lew always acted as if nothing had happened.  Lew, were you cooking eggs?  No.  Then the look that told you to move on.

So I thought about all this yesterday because ... I forgot that I was cooking hard-boiled eggs and once the water had dissipated, an egg exploded. 

So the dogs look at me and I give them a stare that said move on.  I learn from the best!

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