Thursday, July 3, 2014

Me to customer service: Yahh, don't have a nice day, then!

I am pissed today.  Had to control my breathing to slow the old heart rate.  What set me off?  Horrible customer service.  We aren't getting our pool serviced this week (awwww, poor us, I know), because our dog barked yesterday at the pool guy and he wouldn't come into the backyard.

OK.  First, Thursdays (which is today, not yesterday) is our scheduled service day.  Second, when I pointed that out to the customer service person, she could care less.  "It's our short week."  Fourth of July and all.  I think I still would have kept it together if only she had added those two magic words, "I'm sorry." 

I know I shouldn't be sweating the small stuff, but it's MY small stuff and why should I always be the nice one.  Niceness; my cultural albatross.

This past week I binge watched the FX show "Fargo."  It reminded me how agonizingly polite my people (I was born in North Dakota, raised in South Dakota) are.  The portrayals of course are an exaggerated homage to world class passivity.  Billy Bob Thornton's character attempts to obliterate niceness.  Characters played by Colin Hank and Alison Tolman stand in his way.  Holy shit, it got intense.  Or, as my people would say: Aw heck, it was scary!

Maybe my pissed reaction to the I-could-care-less customer service person was a lingering influence from the show.  Make a stand, gosh darn it!  But don't be impolite, yahh know.

So when I was told there would be no one coming, I said "that's all I needed to know" and hit the end call button on my cell phone.  I could hear the customer service person still talking when I hung up.  Uff dah!  That should make her think twice next time, then. 

It for sure made me feel better, dontcha know...

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