Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Marijuana's time has come

Feel the movement?  Another paradigm shift is under foot with such momentum there's no turning back.

Marijuana's time has come.  Whether for medicinal or recreational purposes, it's here to stay.  And by here, I mean the United States, including Texas. 

Why?  Polls show a majority of us believe it's a good idea to let sick people use it if it helps them feel better.  Twenty-one states and DC allow medicinal use.  Two states allow recreational use.  These numbers will continue to climb.

The final push is going to come out of our respect and honor for those courageous soldiers when they need OUR help.  How?  A growing mountain of evidence is showing that cannabis (limiting the THC content) is the best treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).   That evidence is coming from former soldiers.  That evidence also was the subject of an article in the June issue of Texas Monthly written by a fellow from The Baker Institute at Rice University in Houston.  Baker, as in James Baker, W.H.'s right-hand man, who has never been accused of being a leftie.

Here's what the Baker Institute fellow is saying:

What is more compelling a reason to support medicinal use than to support our troops? 

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