Friday, December 10, 2010

Nur Mut!

I want to go ice skating on my birthday Wednesday but my fear is it will turn out like one of those Gieco commercials.  Is it a good idea for an overweight, middle aged woman on blood thinners to ice skate if she hasn't gone ice skating in 20 years?  My fear is I will twist an ankle, fall and break just about anything.  When the Rod Sterling character asks the question, "Is it a good idea..." what follows is always a bad idea. My favorite is the one that asks: Is it a good idea for a drill sergeant to be a therapist?  The drill sergeant mocks his crying patient, telling him to go mamby pamby land, then throws a box of tissues at him and calls him a jack wagon.  Very funny.

I think I'm gonna try.  I want to be more brave (braver?) this coming year.  Other things I'd like to do ares paintball and ride a horse.  

It's getting to be that stage of life where I look back at what I accomplished and calculate what's left to do, divide that by ... I don't really do math.  All I know is that I need to multiply my efforts.  And that will take courage.  So that's why I need to be more brave - grammatically correct or not.

So my rallying cry this year will be Nur Mut, the German words for Be Brave.  I took German in high school and college. Not a useful language, I know.  If I had taken Spanish, then my rallying cry would be valiente, which translates into courageous.  I am more confident with the German.  Frankly, I am intimidated by Spanish language.  It's so fast and I am so slow ... anyway.  So, I am pretty sure I am going to try the ice skating.  Parks Mall on Wednesday.  Wish me luck!  No.  Wish me to be brave!

1 comment:

JohnStick said...

If you wait til Thursday, I'll go with you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!