Monday, January 11, 2010

20-10 or Two Thousand 10?

New decade. Holy cow. Really? Whew. This year's resolutions carry that much more weight. OK here goes:

1. Lose weight by eating better and exercising. Paul has to be on board. I know that it's ultimately up to me and I take full responsibility. These two statements are incongruous but they also are necessary.

2. Read more good literature. How? No computer after 7 p.m. Further, I will enlist my brilliant niece Kara Lochridge to help me with book selection. Also continue to get ideas from my mother Shirley Lochridge, a prolific reader of good books.

3. No computer games after 7 p.m. See resolution #2.

4. Walk Princess. Horrible to admit that she doesn't get to walk as much as the other two dogs, Baxter and Mika. Princess gets so hyper and then she gets loud, which sets off Baxter. So my pledge this year is to walk Princess by herself rather than leave her home when we take the other two.

5. Watch less TV. For some reason I seem to know just about all the TV shows other people are watching. If someone says, did you see ....? I am the one in the room who says yes. Shows I will watch include: Survivor, Glee, Modern Family, Brothers & Sisters and reruns of The West Wing. News and sports don't count (like vegetables and fruits). I can watch (eat) all I want.

6. Set aside meditation/spiritual time each day. I really need to work on this one this year/decade. Breathing, stretching, pray-ishing.

7. Put in 100 percent at work every day. This will be easier than some of the others. I think I pretty much put in 85 percent each day, so another 15 percent should be doable.

8. Live in the moment as much as possible. It's the new thing: mindfulness. Stop feeling bad about the past and less time worrying about the future. Really stop and smell the roses.

9. Write more. I want to step up my game here and the only way to do that is to write just about every day. I don't want it to be one of those things that years from now I kick myself for not doing. It takes discipline, so I guess what I am saying is I want to be more disciplined.

10. Monitor my words. I am a grandmother now so I need to choose my words more carefully. At least practice it this year for when Addison and future progeny can understand the words. Have you seen that commercial where the family is at a restaurant and the dad sends some food flying and says "shit!" So then his two little kids do something goofy and each time they say "shit!" Of course the word is bleeped. So cute. I can totally see that happening.

I also want to monitor my words for content. Be truthful in what I say, so that I become the kind of person that people can trust to know my word is good.

OK people reading this (both of you), it's your turn.


it' said...

Okay, I must confess...I read your blog too. And I have to say that it keeps me so entertained that I check back everyday to see what you have to say!

Thanks for your keeps me smiling:-)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the great comment!