Friday, January 22, 2010

2 issues - OK 3 but I can't tell you the third

My first issue today is I think I have lost the temporary crown I got on Wednesday morning. How is it possible I don't know? I wish I could answer that without sounding like an idiot. The real question is: where did it go? Of course I must have swallowed it? Yuk. When? How is it I didn't know? I just left an embarrassing message with my dentist. They won't be back in the office until Monday. Today is Friday. I can live with that.

My second issue is my self-loathing. Self-loathing because last night I ate an entire roll of Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. There are 2 rolls in every box. I ate ONE roll. (Like that makes me disciplined). Damn the Girl Scouts. OK. Damn me. Hey, maybe that's when I lost the crown .... when I was in the thin mint cookie haze. The shame. The shame.


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