Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Woody Allen doesn't deserve acclaim

My son asked me this week where I stood on the Woody Allen controversy.  Short answer: I think he molested his daughter.

Last week his adopted daughter, now 28, went public for the first time with details about her sexual abuse by Allen when she was a young child.  Her comments were published in a New York Times blog written by a family friend.

A week before that her brother, Allen's bio son, tweeted his disgust at his father's special recognition during the Golden Globes.

I told my son that I believe the victim and that I have not been to a Woody Allen movie since the allegations became public in the early 90s.

I can't get past the part where he admits to having had a relationship with his partner's daughter.  Not his daughter.  However, he had been in this child's life since she was in grade school.  Nude photos of her were found.  He was busted and admitted to the "relationship."  She was under 20 and he was over 50.  His explanation: the heart wants what it wants.

When the relationship was discovered, all hell broke loose.  Its aftermath was dirty and it was public.  Allen fought for custody of his 3 children, including his adopted daughter who made the accusation.  Criminal investigations were conducted.  No charges or convictions were ever filed, but the court did deny Allen visitation rights to his adopted daughter.

He eventually married his children's sister and they adopted 2 children.  He also has gone on to make movies and continue to be beloved, as evidenced by the special award this year.

Apparently all the accolades were too much for many and the past has come back to haunt.

His daughter has changed her name.  There is nothing in it for her to go public at this time in her life.  She is married and has children.  Her actions now are wholly consistent with sexually abused children.  Under the safety and protection of adulthood is when many find the courage to tell their truth.

And I believe her.  I always have.

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