Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Dr. Shady

I love this state of Texas and its people. So many different cultures and traditions and perspectives surrounding the meaning of life.

I was reminded of this at a doctor's visit yesterday. I get sinus infections a couple times a year and use a walk-in clinic, not my regular clinic. Way faster. This clinic is owned by a nut. Certified eccentric. I really am grateful for the service provided, but always hope I get any doctor but her. No such luck yesterday.

Through the years I have heard about her remarkable family and their import in the Confederacy. High achievers. Smarties. Did I mention the Confederacy? 

I made the mistake of wearing a Stanford University t-shirt. My husband's line when he wears his and is asked if he went to Stanford: "Yes. To the bookstore to buy this t-shirt."  I repeat this line, she laughs and continues to talk about research there regarding diabetes and Alzheimer's. I'm all in; this is fascinating stuff.

"Don't say anything. The liberals will twist it."

Say, what?

I don't know about reverse doctor-patient confidentiality and if writing this violates some code, but I doubt it because I have no earthly idea what she was talking about anyway as far as liberals ruining the research.

I have come to expect such ranting against liberals from this 70-something doctor, but have never had the guts to contradict. Something I will never say: "I am a liberal and you just spilled the beans to the enemy. Ha!"

In truth I adore this woman. She has built a spectacular business that I will continue to use, and other family members will as well. Her staff is as diverse as any office - or more so - that I've experienced. She gets liberal points for that. I just won't ever tell her.

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