Thursday, November 17, 2016

End Times? Sure, why not

I am beginning to get why someone might be drawn to extreme prophesy such as end times. After last week's presidential election of someone whose name I can't yet bring myself to say out loud, the idea of an apocalypse at this moment seems quaint.

I promised my oldest - age 7 - grandchild we would be celebrating the first woman ever elected president in these great United States. Her mom says when she was told it didn't happen, she was confused. She was also told her grandmother was very sad and had been crying.

Her response: "If Mare is gonna' cry all day, I am too."

I can't let that happen. We have talked and I told her we have to stay positive even when things don't turn out the way we want.

I didn't tell her we can also resist what goes against our values. She will learn that lesson soon enough.

As the shock wears off I think about my father who fought in WWII against many of the same principles our next president seems to advocate: White superiority, Christian superiority, male superiority. Ok, he didn't fight for that last one. But his daughter did.

I'm sorry, Dad. We let you down this year.  But you will be happy to know your daughter and some of your grandchildren are heading to Washington, D.C. to march with thousands of like-minded patriots the day after inauguration. We will make our voices heard; and I hope make you proud.


John Stickney said...

Well said!

Diane said...

You always make me proud......I'll be looking for you at the Washington D.C. rally on television.....!