Saturday, April 30, 2011

Where did April go?

Tomorrow is the first day of May!  Where did April go?

At work I have to do monthly reports.  I just completed March.  It seems.  I know my April folder is filled with evidence of activity for this month, new clients, etc.  But still.  April 1st was just last week, right?

I do recall Paul's annual April's Fool thing.  As he does EVERY year, he got me.  He said something about a broken pool filter and that water had soaked a part of the back yard.  First conversation of the morning.  I followed him outside... "April Fool."  Every year.  I fall.  And then I say, "Not next year." You can set a clock to this.  It will happen.

Easter happened last weekend.  That became an event unrelated to the holiday, and won't be blogged about out of respect ... for now.

Maybe it's because April is not really that momentous of a month.  January is big.  February is a shortie month and has Valentine's Day.  March is spring break and the weather starts to remind us why we love living in the South.  Jump to May.  End of school.  Huge.  June is beginning of summer, July has the 4th, August is back to school, September begins the fall season, October builds to Halloween, November and December are probably the biggest months of the year.

So back to April.  I guess maybe I didn't give you proper attention.  Whatever the reason, I believe I blinked and now you're gone.  Next year, like April Fools, I promise to be more aware.

Happy May Day everyone!!


JohnStick said...

Hear, Hear!

JohnStick said...

You must update your blog at least once a week.