1. Juggling act: My brothers John, left, and Jim. Impressive!
2. Song and dance with Grandpa Tom, nieces Teya and Irelyn. Accompanied by nephew Eddy doing fart sounds. Hard to describe. You just had to be there.
3. Juggling act II: my nephew Dan and his daughter Teya. The boy has skills. That's also Lorie's head in the lower right. She has soccer skills too but was too shy/modest.
4. Standing room only.
5. Obligatory cute baby picture. Delaney didn't need to perform, she entertained just being herself.
6. Here's my other nephew Danny juggling a hockey puck. SuperStar!!
7. Nephew Eddy hits one OVER the fence!!!!! That's not easy to do with a wiffle ball.
I think this definitely sets the stage for the next talent show: 2011 reunion in RC??
Bravo!! Absolutely brilliant!!
We'll try our best to be there in 2011, wherever it may be (I'm partial to the RC option, but could do Deer Lake too)... by then we'll be a party of three! :)
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!! it's official! Kara's pregnant!! Wow. That beats all family news!! Congrats Kara and Amos.
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