Flashing headlights jolted me out of my driver's haze. The one you fall into when covering the same ground day after day. When you reach your destination, you wonder how you even got there because your mind was not behind the wheel, even though your body was.
First thought: Wow. Is that a message? For me? You talkin' to me?
Second thought: I wonder if it's a speed trap warning? Reflexively I ease my foot off the gas pedal.
Third thought (after spotting Mr. Police Officer aiming a radar gun at ME!): It WAS a message. For me. Someone was trying to warn me to slow me down and it worked. Without words. Just the simplicity of flashing headlights.
Who was this masked crusuader? This urban Robin Hood? This male or female who thought enought about his or her fellow man or woman (gender nonspecific writing is exhausting) to send up a warning.
Whoever it was, we were connected for a nanosecond, which is one-billionth of a regular second so that is really a short and almost immeasurable amount of time. But still, a connection that produced two important and measurable results: I was prevented from getting a ticket for speeding and I felt something. I felt special. I felt gratitude. I felt
It was a beautiful and greatly appreciated reminder of the magic of human connection. And maybe even a reminder to pay attenion - body AND mind - to my driving.