Today, I need to vent about my neighborhood. Just a short one because I have to get going. And because I am a little uncomfortable about the subject. Paranoid is probably more accurate.
Many of our neighbors are lovely people. Others are not and it's something I forget while biking or walking around this beautiful area of Arlington. I let my guard down, smile at the people, engage in conversation, pet their dogs, and so on. Then I am reminded not everyone here is civil.
I belong to a neighborhood internet forum. We go for weeks without a Glen Becker comment. And then one slips in and the flood gates open. That's what happened this week. Henny Penny the sky must be falling because one of our neighbors has not mowed or raked. Call out the Guard. No, instead he called code enforcement.
I think code enforcement should be used for those instances where a condition endangers life or is harmful to people. This doesn't qualify.
As peeved as I am about the misuse of code enforcement, it doesn't come close to how I feel about this current Texas Legislature and their misuse of power. Even the Dallas Morning News yesterday effectively called them losers.
Don't get me started. For real. I am gonna be late for work. To be continued...